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Category Archives: Inventions

The Blorg

Most people know about network effects. You know, the value of a network (to its users) increases with the number of users on that network.
The same is true of information. Look at Wikipedia and Linux.
Millions of users added an article or two each to Wikipedia, and now everyone has a whole encyclopedia. (Actually, most of [...]

How To Solve The Housing Problem

Simply print them.

University of Southern California engineer Behrokh Khoshnevis and colleagues are developing a 3D printer for houses.
Source: Printable Housing (Via BoingBoing)

Colossus Mark II

The Colossus Mark II was one of the first modern computers ever built, way back in 1944, and used to break cryptographic codes intercepted by the allies. When the war was over, Winston Churchill ordered the machines to be destroyed.
Now, through the efforts of a man named Tony Sale, a working copy of the [...]

Is The XO-2 The Ideal Electronic Book?

Ever since reading Ben Bova’s Cyberbooks, I’ve been waiting for electronic books to take over the world. The Amazon Kindle didn’t much impress impress me, but I just love the design for the new OLPC XO-2. If the design stays the same, then I’m definitely getting one for reading ebooks.
On a related note, what are [...]

A Steampunk Ghost

Charles Babbage, widely regarded as the father of computing, was a typical hacker.
He never completed the first Difference Engine, instead designing a more advanced Difference Engine, and later he produced several incomplete designs for a yet more advanced Analytic Engine.
None of his computing machines were built within his lifetime. But now, more than 150 years [...]